Re-Optimize Computational Efficiency With Error Analysis:

Title of paper: High-performance computation of large sparse matrix exponential
Title of paper: Fast computation of large sparse matrix inversion
Title of paper: An algorithm based on adaptive filtering technique for the computation of large-scale matrix cosine being nearly sparse
Title of paper: 大规模稀疏矩阵主p次根的快速计算
Title of paper: A new stable and avoiding inversion iteration for computing matrix square root
Title of paper: Two Iterative algorithms for the matrix sign function based on the adaptive filtering technology
Title of paper: A filtering technique for the matrix power series being near-sparse

Low-Discrepancy Sequence:

Title of paper: Relationship between low-discrepancy sequence and static solution to multi-bodies problem
Title of paper: Application of Adaptive Weights Quasi Monte Carlo Method by Combination of Uncertainty Reduced-order Model Based on Deterministic Projection Basis Vector in Stochastic Dynamic Problems
Title of paper: 基于动力学演化的试验设计表
Title of paper: Constructing Uniform Design Tables Based on Restart Discrete Dynamical Evolutionary Algorithm

Mini Program:

The program name: 水热力学参数计算程序